//Top 6 Magento 2 Awesome Advanced Custom Options Extensions Review

Top 6 Magento 2 Awesome Advanced Custom Options Extensions Review

In the previous topics, we discussed about the best Magento 2 extension free extensions  in general. So in this article, we will focus on one particular area in Magento, it is custom options in Magento 2. We will reveal 6 best advanced custom options Magento 2 extensions.

1. Custom Stock Status Magento 2 Extension

With Custom Stock Status Extension for Magento 2, custom stock status now can be created and assigned to products in the automatic way or manual way as you wish. As the default of Magento 2, stock status of configurable product are simply out of stock or in stock, whereas, with this advanced custom Magento extension, you can customize stock status as your business purpose. Another outstanding feature of this Magento 2 extension is that you can create an unlimited number of custom stock statuses.

Custom Magento Extension shows custom stock status for Magento 2 product page
Custom Magento Extension shows custom stock status for Magento 2 product page

For more detailed features of Custom Stock Status Magento 2 Extension, customers can subscribe to get stock alerts then they will be informed timely when the product comes back to stock. Furthermore, admin enables to show stock quantity, present products which are out of stock or configure to show any stock status as you desire. Besides, as you know, Magento default does not show stock status of children products, meanwhile, with this custom option module, admin can show out of stock status for them. Moreover, as we said above, customers can subscribe to receive notifications for the ‘out of stock’ simple product of configurable product when they are in stock again.

For more details about this custom Magento extension, please check here.

2. Magento 2 Custom Option Image Extension

Magento 2 Custom Option Image extension, like its name, this custom Magento extension is developed to include images into custom options of products in order to enhance product visual in the frontend.

Custom Option Image for Magento 2 extension adds image to product custom option of any option type
Custom Option Image for Magento 2 extension adds image to product custom option of any option type

Let’s check more great features from Magento 2 Custom Option Image extension.

At first, you can add images to custom options of product with all kinds of options, such as: dropdown, checkbox, radio buttons or multiple select. Secondly, you can upload or remove or retrieve image of custom options at ease. Another interesting feature is that admin totally set image (for instance, width and height of the image) as wish for various option types. Besides, there are 2 styles for store owners to choose showing images for product options. Moreover, Magento 2 Custom Option Image extension can work with almost types of Magento product, namely: simple product, configurable product, bundle product (without dynamic pricing), virtual product and downloadable product

Click here for more detailed information of this custom Magento extension or see more extensions from them.

3. Grouped Product Custom Options for Magento 2 Extension

If you are using grouped product for your Magento 2 store, you might know that the default grouped product cannot associated custom options. Hence if you need custom options for grouped product, here is one of the great choice for you: Grouped Product Custom Options Extension for Magento 2.

Custom Magento extension for grouped product
Custom Magento extension for grouped product

Advanced custom options help customers to choose simple products of grouped product with variable options in a convenient way. Grouped Product Custom Options Magento 2 extension allows admin to display custom options per associated product on the product page of grouped product. This custom Magento extension can work well with all types of custom options. Let’s us introduce in details. All detailed specifics for your customer needs will be shown when you add custom options to Magento grouped product pages. As an admin, you can get particular instructions for your items from your customer directly when including custom options to grouped product. Furthermore, admin can allow your clients to supply detailed images or documents by using input file feature. There is another features to make the order of customers become convenient is date and time options. To conclude, this Grouped Product Custom Options extension for Magento 2 is a simple but useful extension, which support and enhance the default function of Magento store.

For more information of this custom Magento extension, please check out here!

4. Custom URL for Magento 2 Extension 

When owning a Magento store, you obviously want that your products are on top of search result on google. You have to do SEO on-page and off-page. Hence, there is also a custom extension for Magento store owners to increase the chance get the top of search result, that is Custom URL extension for Magento 2.

Custom URL for Magento 2 extension
Custom URL for Magento 2 extension

As its name, this Magento 2 extension can get URL key with exact keywords of your products. An outstanding of the extension is that it can work with non-Latin alphabets, for instance: Japan, Korea, China, Russia and so on. According to a research, a third of population in the world use non-Latin language, whereas, Magento 2 default cannot solve this issue. Hence, an extension called Custom URL extension is absolutely great choice for you to use URL key with both Latin and non-Latin words. Your store and your products definitely get higher rank on the search engine result page than other rivals.

Please check here to try demo of this Custom URL Magento extension!

5. Dynamic Custom Options for Magento 2 Extension

Custom options for Magento 2 extension
Custom options for Magento 2 extension

This is one of the great custom options extension in Magento 2. With Dynamic Custom Options Extension for Magento 2, you can create customizable products, or you can allow your customers to choose custom options of product, or you want to include the warranty of product and installation fee. All of these issues become easy with Dynamic Custom Options extension for Magento 2. Store owners can create complicated product configurations at ease, namely input boxes, multiple select, text fields, radio buttons or file uploads and so on. This Magento 2 custom options extension is an awesome choice if you want special things like dependent options, custom options of associated products, tier price and quantity for options and so on.

Check this link to get more details.

6. Magento 2 Checkout Custom Fields Extension

Being a store owner, you definitely want to understand customer behaviors, you want to find out how they reach your products to get reviews of your promotion, your advertise project, etc. There is a solution for Magento 2 for you to get this information, that is Magento 2 Checkout Custom Fields extension.

Checkout custom fields for Magento 2 extension
Checkout custom fields for Magento 2 extension

This Magento 2 custom extension allows you to include unlimited custom fields into the checkout page. Then you can get and check all information collected from your customers right in order grid. Have a look at these useful features of the custom options extension:

– Admin can add extra custom fields to Magento 2 checkout page.

– You can create different kinds of custom fields.

– You can present additional information in Order Detail or Order Grid as you wish.

– Showing value of custom field in emails or pdf documents

If you want to check demo of this custom Magento extension, please check this link.


Here are the top 6 custom options magento 2 extensions among many custom options extensions to gain customers experience when using custom options in Magento 2 stores. If you find it helpful for you, please Like, Share and Subscribe Magexts to keep updating for next articles!