//Top 8+ Paid & Free Magento 2 GDPR Extensions To Face The Breaches

Top 8+ Paid & Free Magento 2 GDPR Extensions To Face The Breaches

The breakthrough of the Internet over the past years has empowered e-commercial business significantly but also has posed a threat to network security, which is the reason why you need a Magento 2 GDPR Extension.

The issue becomes hotter than ever before when Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO, was headed to supreme count explaining the customer data breach.

In fact, there are many strict regulations having been introduced to protect internet user information from the exploited. One of them is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) adopted by the European Union Parliament in 2016 and officially come into force in May 2018.

Overview of the GDPR

The GDPR was built on 1995 Data Protection Directive to protect data and privacy of all individual within EU from any unauthorized use.

Which Magento 2 Store Owners Must Concern About GDPR


The fact that GDPR is tied to the EU data doesn’t mean it affect users and businesses in EU only. In contrast, it affects the whole world business, including Magento 2 store owners who touches EU-based data, no matter where they put their locations.

In other words, if you gather even single piece information of EU customer, you will be immediately under the proper compliance with the GDPR.

How Much GDPR Data Breach Costs


If you fail to comply with the law, you get fined. In case, one Magento 2 store is determined to breach the GDPR, the owner can be fined up to €20 million or 4% of annual global turnover, whichever is larger. Hence, make sure that your Magento 2 websites are well-prepared for the GDPR.

For necessary information related to, GDPR’s key changes and Magento GDPR FAQs, please refer to here.

The Easiest Way to Get Ready for GDPR in Magento 2


>>> Have a look: Magento 2 amp extension to learn more.

Since the internet can bring customers worldwide to your Magento 2 stores, lots of them from EU, Magento 2 online stores need to consider the GDPR as a serious matter.

To help you deal with GDPR compliance with ease, extension builders have developed GDPR for Magento 2 extensions

From dozens of GDRP for Magento 2 plugins available on the market, Magexts team has carefully picked Top 8+ Magento 2 GDPR extensions, both free and paid, based on the following criteria:

  • Magento 2 GDPR extension’s features and functions.
  • Price and policies of each GDPR for Magento 2 extension.
  • The rating and reviews on product pages and SERPs.

Magento 2 GDPR Paid Extensions

You should consider the following paid solution to explore more advanced features to ensure that your Magento 2 stores will follow the GDPR strictly and avoid heavy fines.

1. Magento 2 GDPR Extension by BSSCommerce

BSSCommerce has officially launched the Magento 2 GDPR extension with many notes-worthy features to be looked at.


Highlight features supported by BSSCommerce extension:

  • Enable customers to remove account and export data on their Account pages.
  • Make deleted customer information anonymous in the Orders grid.
  • Notify customers of the cookie usages on websites.
  • Generate and update the Privacy Policy Page.
  • Send customers an announcement of any change in the privacy policy.
  • Show popup and checkbox to give customers the right to give website consent.

BSSCommerce sells this extension at the price of $149.00 for the Community edition and $299.00 for the Enterprise edition. Customers would receive frees support, 1-year free-support plus a life-time update.

2. Magento 2 GDPR Extension by Metagento

Similar to other Magento 2 GDPR, Matageto extension allows customers to manage and delete their accounts and more.


>>> Pay a vist: Magento 2 report extension to learn more!

All features of Magento 2 GDPR module by Metagento:

  • Support account and data removal from the frontend.
  • Provide 3 cookie options to meet GDPR requirements.
  • Display cookie settings popup.
  • Consent the checkbox on the contact page and registration page.

Metagento sells Magento 2 GDPR plugin for both the Community Edition and the Enterprise Edition at $49.00 including free update, free support, and 30-day money back.

Though the screenshots show all features quite clearly, there is a lack of demo. Hence, we can’t check whether all features work smoothly as described.

3. Magento 2 GDPR Extension by Fme Extensions

Let’s explore another solution to make your online stores meet GDPR requirement: Magento 2 GDPR by Fme Extensions.


Fme develops Magento 2 GDPR module with the functions, as below:

  • Create and display the cookie policy to acquire consent from customers.
  • Show Forget Me and Delete Account options for customers to choose from.
  • Permit users to export their saved orders and account details if needed.
  • Provide a GDPR grid to manage user data requests.
  • Allow customers to unsubscribe the newsletter.
  • Ask customers for data consent on account registration page.

Magento 2 GDPR extension is rich in features. You need to spend $99.99 for the Community Edition and $299.99 for the Enterprise Edition. Free support, free update, free installation are included.

4. Magento 2 Amasty GDPR Extension

Amasty provides the next Magento 2 GDPR extension to manage privacy policy and collect data processing consent.


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Outstanding features by Amasty GDPR extension for Magento 2:

  • Allow online users to request for account deletion, download, and anonymize the personal data.
  • Create and manage private privacy.
  • Display checkbox and popup to collect data processing consent.
  • Keep control of consent in grid.

In general, the features are similar to those of Fme Magento 2 GDPR extensions.

The Community Edition and the Enterprise Edition are provided at $199.00 and $499.00, along with 3-month support, free update, and 60-day money back. If you want installation service, please pay an additional $59.00.

5. Magento 2 GDPR Extension by Aheadworks

Aheadworks offers the most expensive Magento 2 GDPR extension on the review list. This module grants online shoppers the ability to perform the right under the GDPR.


Here is the highlight feature list of Magento 2 GDPR extension by Aheadworks.

  • Permit customers to request for access and remove their account and related data.
  • Manage customer data access requests in the grid of the backend.
  • Customize and show consent popup at any page to collect data consent.
  • Track, remove, or export the customer base with and without consent.
  • Send email to confirm data access and consent.

All features are available for the Community Edition at $199.00 including installation and 90-day support.

The full package of the Enterprise consists of advanced features, free installation, 360-day support, priority support, and personal account manager. Hence, the price is very high, at $749.00.

Magento 2 GDPR Free Extensions

Beside paid options, there’re a variety of Magento 2 GDPR free extensions for better budget management. Check these out!

1. Magento 2 GDPR Extension by Magehos

Let’s get started with Magento 2 GDPR extension, so-called Magento 2 GDPR Anonymizer.


According to the GDPR, internet users have “The Right to Be Forgotten” (GDPR, Article 17), they must be asked whether they want to erase their information from your Magento 2 stores. As a result, Magehos offers this Magento 2 GDPR extension to:

  • Allow data removal in the frontend within several clicks.
  • Auto anonymize the associated purchase documents after account deletion.
  • Customize confirmation email of account removal

The Magento 2 GDPR extension by Magehos is useful, but it only works with the Community Edition. Moreover, the installation service costs $54.39. 30-day support is free but for the extended support, you need to spend $54.39 and $76.59 respectively.

2. Magento 2 GDPR Extension by Magebit

The second name on Magento 2 GDPR extension review is built by Magebit.


This module is equipped with the following basic features:

  • Enable the deletion of account and anonymization right on the Account Dashboard page.
  • Allow buyers to export their data to CVS. file.
  • Show popup to notify cookie policy on customers’ first visit to Magento 2 stores.

You can install Magebit Magento 2 GDPR extension to follow the detailed instruction. Nevertheless, without a decent command of code, you might find it a little hard.

3. Magento 2 Mageplaza GDPR Extension

Mageplaza provides a free solution for online shoppers to protect their data if wanted.


Basic features by Mageplaza GDPR for Magento 2 extension:

  • Allow customers to delete the accounts with related personal information.
  • Allow customers to remove the billing & shipping addresses.
  • Be responsive to all devices.

The standard Mageplaza GDPR functions mentioned above are available for both the Community Edition and the Enterprise without any fee. No support will follow.

If you want to employ more features and extra supports, refer Pro Magento 2 GDPR version:

  • Support anonymizing the billing information.
  • Customize and display cookie notification for specific areas.

This Pro Magento 2 GDPR is also free and together with free 1-year support, future update, and 30-day money back. However, the installation fee is quite high, which comes at $90.00.

Final Thought

>>> Click here to read more: Magento extensions reviews.

From Magento 2 GDPR extension review, we hope that you have an overview of Top 8 Magento 2 GDPR extensions. You should spend some time on each extension to make the wisest choice to ensure that your Magento 2 stores are ready for GDPR compliance.

Let us know if you have any questions. We hope you enjoy today sharing.