//6 Great Magento 2 Checkout Success Page Extensions!

6 Great Magento 2 Checkout Success Page Extensions!

Magento 2 Checkout Success Page page known as Thank You Page comes out with a simple display that contains no attractive information. Understand that limitation, various Magento 2 providers have created Checkout Success Page extension for Magento 2 to help Magento 2 store owners enhance their stores efficiently.

Of course, among many Magento 2 extensions for the checkout success page, you may be confused a lot. Thus, we are here to give you reviews about top six extensions to help you easily make up your mind when considering which one is the most suitable extension for your Magento 2 stores.

1. Magento 2 Checkout Success Page Extension by BSSCommerce – $119

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With Magento 2 Checkout Success Page extension by BSSCommerce, you can make your checkout success page better conveniently.

Specifically, the extension allows Magento 2 store owners customize Checkout Success Page as wish with order details, thank you message, coupon code, CMS blocks, suggested products, etc.

In the frontend, customers can clearly view all checkout information on the success page.

For instance, order number, order status, shipping address, shipping method, billing address, payment method and products with link and product thumbnail, etc.

That helps customers can review their order that they have submitted once again after finishing their purchase.

Additionally, this module provides a thank you for a message which does not only help to increase visual aids but also make your clients more satisfied with your Magento 2 stores.

Besides, customers can freely share on social networks and subscribe newsletter right on the checkout success page with submitting for newsletter quickly.

Coupon code as well as print button and reorder button are also supported to be displayed on the page.

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In the backend,  various custom options are available for admin to configure as wish. For thank you messages, admin can freely design this area without any limitation such as choosing a background image or customizing message.

Also, using this checkout success page extension, admin is given the ability to decide showing order information with order status, product thumbnail, reorder button, and print button or not.

In the coupon code section, you have sort order, description, custom coupon code, min subtotal, and background which are available to be configured.

Furthermore, admin can enable coupon code for only selected customer groups and edit the Product Suggestion section with the product type. The Block section is supported to be customized with images, text.

The deciding button style is also a feature of this module.

Finally, the sort order is applicable for arranging coupon code, social network sharing, subscription, block section as well as product suggestion as wish.

2. Checkout Success Page Extension for Magento 2 by Plumrocket – $149

Not much different from the module by BSSCommerce, Checkout Success Page Extension for Magento 2 by Plumrocket offers admin ability to change all parts of the checkout success page based on his needs.


With this extension, customers are given permission to see a full order summary, print order confirmations, share their purchase experiences on social networks.

Also, customers have the ability to get coupon codes as well as create new accounts directly right on the thank you page.

The admin can totally configure to show recommend products suggesting customers for their next purchases.

To promote, admin can run attractive marketing promotions and offer quick access to customer service.

Additionally, this extension offers a fixed thank you message for satisfying customers.

However, order information on this checkout success page does not contain billing address, order summary, and order status and ordered products do not go with product links as well.

3.  Checkout Success Page extension by MagePlaza – $129


Checkout Success Page extension by Mageplaza provides the same features your thank you page compared with the module by Plumrocket we mention above.

Using this checkout success page extension, admin has the power to customize their thank you page as their wish.

The main features of the extension provide customers their detailed order information, coupon code, newsletter, and social link buttons suggested block.

The operation of this module is similar to the module by Plumrocket. Of course, the success page extension is easy to install and configure per Magento 2 store owners’ demand.

4. Advanced Success Page for Magento 2 by ZERO-1 – $129

Advanced Success Page for Magento 2 by ZERO-1 seems quietly lack of features when compared with the three checkout success page extensions above.


Order information here only includes shipping address, billing address, and order status. With thank you for a message, admin can freely show and edit their custom message.

Coupon code is not available for customers. However, related products, social sharing buttons, and newsletters are supported to be displayed on the checkout success page.

Last but not least, the Advanced Success Page for Magento 2 by ZERO-1 works well with all features which consist of the module.

5. Improved Thank You Page For Magento 2 by BELVG – $129


One more extension for the checkout success page we want to review is the Custom Success Page for Magento 2 by BELVG.

Not like the four modules above, the extension does not offer order information as well as a thank you a message at all.

The main feature shown in this extension are coupon code, CMS blocks, cross-sell product blocks.

Specifically, coupon code appears with CMS block that admin can configure cart rule right in Config.

Moreover, running this extension, each change is capable using WYSIWYG editor which means that you can edit the thank you page as easy as you edit text and insert image in MS Office.

6. Advanced Thank You Page by Amasty – $119


Advanced Thank You Page by Amasty offers five sections for customizing the checkout success page.

There are order information, custom content block suggested cross-sell products, newsletters, and social media sharing. In order information, customers can see the order summary, order number, and print order link.

Besides, admin can create and choose CMS block via CMS manager which can be added to the order success page. Of course, personalizing your thank you page is no more difficult when using this extension.

In the suggested block, the admin is able to select cross-sell products contained in the order placed. That can be considered as a way to motivate customers to spend more time on your Magento 2 stores and boost your sales.

Moreover, newsletter and social media sharing are also supported in this Magento 2 extension for the checkout success page.


>>> Click Here: For More Magento 2 extensions!

In short, here is a review of six amazing Magento 2 extensionss for the checkout success page we would like to introduce you. If you find it helpful for you, please Like, Share, and Subscribe to keep updating for more upcoming blogs!